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420EDC Offers an Elite selection of grinder choices in Stainless Steel:

  • Iaso Goods is local to us here in New England.  The first to put the spin into Food Grade Stainless Steel in terms of Grinders.  A cut above the rest in terms of tooth sharpness, available in 1.75" and 2.5" 3 & 4 Piece Configurations.  The 4 Piece easily converts into 3 with the removal of the screen plate. 
  • Herb Ripper's "The Ripper" features US Made 300 Series Stainless Steel that is both food and medical grade.  Available in OG 2" Size of the New 2023 Model and XL 2.5" in 4 Piece Configurations.   The 4 Piece easily converts into 3 with the removal of the new low profile filter micro-screen . 

If you had to ask us where a good place to start with a grinder, the first thing we would recommend is a 3 Piece design (or a 4 Piece that also functions as a 3 Piece, both Iaso Goods and Herb Ripper have this functionality with their 4 Piece variants) because it saves the step of dumping material out of a two piece (which we do not stock) and it saves potency as it doesn't filter out kif from the flowers via 4 piece setup. 

We prefer a smaller grinder over a larger one to keep things as fresh as possible post grind.  Essence is released once you grind, so the flavor and potency of the material deteriorates quicker than unground dry flowers stored properly. Enjoy the flowers as nature intended.  Keep your grinder clean for optimal performance!  

"Grind It As You Need It"

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