⭐️ Happy 2025 Sale 10% Off Select Gear with Code: 10YEARSGONE⭐️
Our TiWarez line started in 2015 when we created the company. The initial product was our TiChillum 3D Printed Titanium hashpipe which also doubles as an herbal vaporizer cooling unit. TiChillum was released in March of 2016 after months of research & development.
The TiStash is our first product released in Titanium (Ti6Al4V Grade 5) for 2018 and it is simply a US Government Issue Item that we've decided to rematerialize in titanium. Stash your ground or unground flowers in the TiStash for waterproof and lightproof storage on-the-go. Other uses for the TiStash include geo-caching, cash storage, water purification tablets, pill storage, etc. An extremely limited run will be available in 3 alloy Titanium Damascus Composite.
Staying on the lines of simplicity we also have a 3rd product called the TiCD which is the dimensions of a CD case except for the thickness. The initial batch was .063" thick Grade 5 Titanium x 5.59" x 4.92". A simple surface to grind, roll and vape from that is easy to clean and maintain as well as conceal/store when not in use. We've also added .04" thickness since the arrival of the beta run.
Another newer TiWarez product is a throwback to our first piece of consumption gear, a one hitter. Ti1e: Titanium 1 Hitter is made from Grade 2 titanium, ≈ 66.55mm in length & 9.525mm in diameter. For times/places where combustion is the only option.
In 2021 TiWarez made the addition 16mm Titanium Dice in standard pip configuration or "balanced" pip setup to the line-up. Inspired from Chessex 16mm D6, these are machined from Grade 2 Commercially Pure Titanium.
The TiLeafBead was released in late 2021 and is our take in titanium of our favorite flower's leaf. Rock it on a lanyard for your 420EDC StashCase or use it on a zipper pull, backpack or zipper pull. Need a paracord lanyard? Feel free to reach out to see what we have to include with your order.
New for 2022 is the TiPod in 2 sizes, small & large, sealed with a FDA Food Grade O-Ring on Grade 2 Commercially Pure Titanium in a Polished finish.
A project leftover from 2021 that found it's way into the world in 2022 is the TiSC, Titanium Sharp Card. Keep it in your wallet with your plastic for times when a blade is needed or keep it around the house for tasks like opening boxes delivered from 420EDC. It is SHARP, so be careful!
Just in time for the last quarter of 2024 is the TiScoopAr. A Grade 2 Titanium Scoop designed for our favorite Arizer portable devices and others that we support (even those we don't). Scoop away and Tamp down without magnetic hangups!
All 420EDC TiWarez Limited in Quantity.
Have an idea for future TiWarez? Drop us a line, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading!